Notice of Special Election 9-28-22

Dear RESA Members,

On behalf of the RESA Board of Directors, we are writing to update the members of the RESA community that, as of April, RESA Board Member Todd Lehr advised the BoD that that he is no longer able to serve on the all-volunteer RESA BoD. We are very sad to see him leave and thank him for his time served volunteering on the RESA Board.

Due to the nature of this departure (see below bylaw 8.4.1), the BoD is now operating with a vacancy. This letter serves as notification to RESA members of our situation and is intended to provide you with the steps the remaining BoD intend to follow to resolve the vacancy in accordance with the RESA bylaws.

Since Todd Lehr was re-elected at our annual meeting in April 2022, his resignation falls within 270 days of being elected. Our bylaws state that the members of RESA in good standing shall fill the vacant BoD seat via a special meeting/election of the members (see below bylaw 8.4.3).

The RESA BoD has now RESCHEDULED this special meeting of the members/election to Wednesday, September 28, 2022, at 7:00 pm at the Redwood Estates Pavilion. We will be following the same election process that we use for our Annual Election, ensuring we are in compliance with the RESA bylaws.

Call for Candidates! If you are interested in running for this vacant RESA BoD seat, please contact Nikki O’Brien, the RESA Office Manager, at to declare your candidacy for the BoD at the special election on September 28. 



8.4. Vacancies. 

8.4.1. A vacancy or vacancies on the Board shall exist on the occurrence of any of the following: (i) the death of any director, (ii) the effective date of any director’s resignation, (iii) the removal of a director by vote of a majority of the votes represented and voting at a duly held meeting of the members at which a quorum of members is present (which affirmative votes also constitute a majority of the required quorum, or written ballot, in conformity with the California Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation Law), (iv) the declaration by resolution of the Board in accordance with Section 8.4.2, (v) the increase in the authorized number of directors, or (vi) the failure of the members, at any meeting of the members at which any director or directors are to be elected, to elect the full number of directors required to be elected at that meeting.

8.4.3. Where a vacancy on the Board occurs within 270 days following the date of the annual meeting at which the director vacating the Board was elected or most recently reelected, as the case may be, such vacancy shall be filled by the calling of a special meeting of the members for such purpose. Should a quorum not be present at the date and time of such special meeting of the members, a majority of the directors then in office shall fill such vacancy as herein provided. Any other vacancy on the Board may be filled by a majority of the directors then in office, whether or not less than a quorum, or by a sole remaining director, except for a vacancy created by removal of a director by vote of the members, which vacancy shall be filled by the members. In addition, the members may fill any vacancy not filled by the directors. Any director elected to fill a vacancy shall hold office until the expiration of the term of his or her predecessor and until a successor has been elected and qualified.


Special Meeting/Election Timeline: 

  • 10–90 days’ notice prior to meeting/election (notifications out the week of June 20)
  • 60 days prior: Call for Candidates (notifications out the week of June 20)
  • Minimum 30 days prior: Candidates’ declarations due August 5
  • Ballots mailed to members: August 12
  • Special meeting/election: September 28, 7:00 pm, Redwood Estates Pavilion

Inspector(s) of Election

At least one independent Inspector of Election will be present to determine quorum and provide the vote tally and election results. 


Ballots will be mailed the week of August 12, or can be received by contacting the RESA Office Manager, NIcki O’Brien, at

Vote Count:

We will follow the existing bylaw where the number of member votes are determined by the number of lots said member owns within RESA. 


  • If quorum is MET (quorum being 20% of RESA members in good standing), results will be announced upon the Inspector(s) of Election completing the vote count.
  • If quorum is NOT MET, the RESA Board may or may not decide at that time whom they will determine to fill the vacancy. See bylaw 8.4.3 above to understand the Board’s authority in this situation.

Thank you,

RESA Board of Directors

Help inform CA wildfire policies

Participate in a Wildfire Risk Mitigation Study

Researchers from SJSU’s Wildfire Interdisciplinary Research Center need your help in providing feedback on your experiences navigating wildfire risk management on private property.

Site Evaluation: They are seeking 25 volunteers to participate in in-depth site evaluations. Student researchers will perform two site visits at a time convenient for you: (1) during late spring or early summer and (2) late-summer/early fall 2022. Participants will also complete a 20–60 minute interview conversation about wildfire mitigation. After the site evaluations and interview are completed, participants will receive a $100 Amazon gift card as compensation for participating in the study.

Interviews: Researchers are collecting data on resident experiences navigating wildfire risk mitigation on private property to learn more about what is going well and what challenges remain when addressing wildfire risk in our area. Interviews typically take 20–60 minutes and can occur in-person or via Zoom.

If you are interested in participating in the study, please fill out the online interest form at: or contact our student researchers who can answer any questions you may have about the project:

Dan Jacobson, Interview coordinator, (408) 782-4320

David Benterou, Evaluation coordinator, (408) 805-8069

For a QR code, download the SJSU_Wildfire mitigation research_Home Ignition Zone PDF to sign up.

Special meeting/election rescheduled

Dear members,

This message is to let you know that the special meeting / election to fill our vacant BoD seat, previously scheduled for Wednesday, June 15, will be RESCHEDULED to a later date.  The reason for rescheduling the meeting is to allow more time for potential BoD candidates to submit their candidacy forms and also enable the existing BoD to follow our traditional election process, which will allow people to vote in person or by mail-in ballot for preannounced candidates.   

Call for Candidates! 

If you are interested in running for this vacant RESA BoD seat, please contact Nikki O’Brien, the RESA Office Manager, at to declare your candidacy for the special election, date TBD. 

Thanks for understanding. Please let us know if you have any questions. 
