Dear RESA Community,
Below are the dates and locations of the road closures for this week. All other roads are OPEN, including the main thoroughfare.
- Monday 9/4
- Roads OPEN, there is NO WORK due to Labor Day.
- Tuesday 9/5- Thursday 9/7
- Locust Drive
- Thursday
- Madrone/Mary Alice – the main thoroughfare is closed from Nonno’s to the Pavilion. Detour route is outlined below.
Other work this week, but NOT closure:
WVCC will also have a small crew and vac truck on the lower section of the project to begin the slot/pothole phase, affecting Broadway Road, from Virginia Drive to the Pavilion. They plan on starting at Virginia Drive and working their way down the hill. They will have 2 flaggers with this crew to flag one way traffic in areas of the road that are narrower than others.
We appreciate your patience in this matter.
RESA Office