SJWC Water Main Installation – Updates for Week of 10/16

Dear RESA Community,

The main thoroughfare from upper to lower Redwood Estates is NOT OPEN Mon-Thurs this week.

Below are the areas of work effective 8am-6pm:

  • Monday 10/16
    • WVCC will be working on June Court and Locust Drive from Naomi Court to June Court. Locust Drive will be closed just before June Court to Naomi Court. They will work on getting residents on Locust Drive out safely.
  • Tuesday 10/17
    • WVCC will be working on installing main from June Court to Mountain View Court. Mountain View court will be closed on this day.
  • Wednesday 10/18
    • WVCC will be working from Mountain View Court down towards Judith Court. They will work on allowing an entrance and exit lane for residents living on Mountain View Court.
  • Thursday 10/19
    • WVCC will continue installing main down Locust Drive towards Judith Court.

We appreciate your patience in this matter.

RESA Office

Board of Directors Agenda for Meeting 10/18

Meeting of the Board of Directors
Redwood Estates Services Association
October 18th, 2023 at 7:00 pm

I           7:00     Determination of Quorum

II          7:05     Approval of Agenda

III        7:15     Approval of Minutes

IV        7:25     President’s Report – Jennifer Throssell

V         7:30     Treasurer’s Report – Matt Sheikh

  • Monthly financial report
  • Delinquency report

VI        7:40     Operations Manager’s Report

VII       7:50     Public Comment

VIII      8:00     New Business

IX        8:20     Old Business

  • Halloween Dance update [Jennifer]

X         8:25     Adjourn

XX      8:30     Executive Session

Green Team Voucher for FREE Disposal at Guadalupe Landfill

Dear RESA Community,

GreenTeam has provided all Unincorporated Santa Clara residential customers with a voucher to use at Guadalupe Landfill – dispose of up to 1,000 lbs. of acceptable material for FREE! The voucher should have been mailed to your home address late September. This is simply a reminder email to make sure to take advantage of the opportunity!

This voucher is redeemable from 10/1/23 through 10/31/23 and is good for one visit, one vehicle per residence, not to exceed a 4’x8′ trailer.

What You Need To Do:

  1. Print and present voucher that was sent to your residence.
  2. Provide current driver’s license or utility bill with an address that matches the mailer to Guadalupe Landfill.
  3. Safety requirements upon entry: wear a high visibility safety vest (can be purchased at gate for $3.24), loads tarped (or $21.60 fee).
  4. Determine if your materials are accepted or not (see voucher below).

Click HERE to for an example of the voucher and more information.

RESA Office

SJWC Water Main Installation – Updates Week of 10/9

Dear RESA Community,

All road closures below are effective 8am-6pm:


Tuesday 10/10-10-12

Locust Drive will be closed between Mountain View Court and the hair pin turn at Naomi Ct. The main thoroughfare from Upper to Lower RE is NOT open – See map of closures and timings below:

Any driveway within the limit of the trench for that day will be blocked 8am-6pm. Any resident above or below the limit of our trench WVCC will work to get out either via Summit or down towards the Pavilion.

This will be a rolling road closure and will follow us as WVCC works down the hill.

RESA Office

FREE Fall Chipping Program

Dear RESA Community,

Thanks to extra funding, the Santa Clara County FireSafe Council is able to hold a fall chipping event for defensible space and winter storm debris cleanup.

When: October 30 – November 3
Registration Deadline: October 16th

This is a MOBILE CHIPPING PROGRAM – the services comes to you if you register and your debris adheres to the chipping program guidelines below:

  • Cut ends must face the same direction and point out towards street.
  • Pile location must be within 10 feet of the residential street on public right of way on level ground.
  • Limbs must be under 4 inches in diameter (thickness).
  • Piles must be less than 4 feet in height.
  • Piles must be less than 100 cubic yards per registered resident.

Any questions? Please reach out to [email protected]

RESA Office