Dear RESA Community,
SUMMARY for the Main Thoroughfare for ALL Days
On each of the following days, here is the summarized status of the main thoroughfare for Redwood Estates.
- Monday 5/20 – OPEN with detours in place
- Tuesday 5/21 – CLOSED
- Wednesday 5/22 – OPEN
- Thursday 5/23 – CLOSED
- Friday 5/24 – No road work
Below are the details for road updates for both the upper and lower portions of the project for next week. All hours are 8am-6pm for road closures.
UPPER SECTION – Water Main Installation
Monday 5/20
- Work Location: Bayview Drive between Gloria Court and Zella Court.
- Closure Type: Bayview CLOSED, detour will be in place, utilizing Zella Court to go around the work.
Tuesday 5/21
- Work Location: Intersection of Santa Ana Road and Bayview Drive, up Santa Ana Road.
- Closure Type: Santa Ana CLOSED, residents who live on this street are urged to park vehicles outside of work areas to avoid delays (Bayview will remain open).
Wednesday 5/22
- Work Locations
- #1: Intersection of Santa Ana Road and Bayview Drive, up Santa Ana Road.
- Closure Type: Santa Ana will be CLOSED. Residents affected by the closure on Santa Ana are urged to park on Eileen Court.
- #2: Bayview Drive spanning from Gloria Court to Zella Court.
- Closure Type: detour will be in place utilizing Zella Court to go around the road work.
- #1: Intersection of Santa Ana Road and Bayview Drive, up Santa Ana Road.
Thursday 5/23
- Work Location: Work begins at the intersection of Bayview Drive and Zella Court, working down Santa Ana to where it meets Naomi Court.
- Closure Type: Bayview/Santa Ana is CLOSED with NO DETOUR OPTION.
- Residents living on Naomi Court and below will exit towards the Pavilion.
- Residents living above Zella Court and above will exit towards Summit.
- Residents living within the closure are urged to park vehicles outside the work area.
Monday 5/20

- Work Location: Madrone Drive from the Redwood Estates Store down towards the Pavilion.
- Closure Type: Madrone Drive is CLOSED. There will be a detour in place taking through traffic around, utilizing Redwood and Oak Drive.
- Residents living on Mary Alice Way and Helen way will maintain access with delays as traffic flaggers will help get residents in and out of their homes.
Tuesday 5/21

- Work Location: Broadway Road and La Verne Drive between Madrone Drive (store) and Virginia Drive/Beatrice Circle.
- Closure Type: Broadway/La Verne is CLOSED
- Residents living on Virginia Drive, Beatrice Circle, Broadway Road, La Verne Drive, and Idalyn Drive will maintain access with delays as traffic flaggers will help get residents in and out of their homes.
If there are any further updates, you will be notified next week. Thanks for your patience.
RESA Office