SJWC Water Main Installation – Updates Week of 12/11

Dear RESA Community,

Below is the breakdown for each day’s water main installation activities:

Monday 12/11 – main thoroughfare CLOSED 8am-6pm

  • Where: Santa Ana Road/Lenore Court at June Court will be closed to thru traffic.
  • All residents living on Naomi Court and below will be able to exit view down towards the Pavilion.

Tuesday 12/12 – WATER SHUT DOWN: main thoroughfare CLOSED 8am-6pm

  • Where: Santa Ana Road/Lenore Court at June Court will be closed to thru traffic.
  • All residents living on Naomi Court and below will be able to exit view down towards the Pavilion.
  • Residents whose water service that will be affected during this shutdown were notified Friday 12/8 via a door hanger.

Wednesday 12/13 – WATER SHUT DOWN: main thoroughfare CLOSED 8am-6pm

  • Where: The road will be closed from Virginia Drive to Idalyn Drive.
  • Residents that live on Idalyn Drive are urged to park down by the general store for this day as there will be heavy construction activity around the entrance of this road throughout the day.
  • Residents whose water service that will be affected during this shutdown will be notified Monday 12/11 via a door hanger.

Thursday 12/14 – road closed with detour 8am-6pm

  • Water Shutdown Location
    • Intersection of Mary Alice and Madrone Drive.
    • All residents that will be affected by this shutdown were notified today, 12/12, via door hanger.
  • Residents Affected By Water Shutdown
    • This shutdown does affect residents below HWY 17 on Alma Court, Santa Clara Road, Jessie Way, Betty Ann Court, Ida Drive, and Madrone Drive.
  • Road Closure Location
    • Madrone Drive will be closed to thru traffic from the general store down to the Pavilion.
    • West Valley Construction will have traffic control flaggers, flagging one way traffic on the Lee Drive/Redwood Drive detour.
    • All residents that live on Mary Alice Way and Helen Way will be able to exit up towards the general store.

If there are any updates to the schedule, we will notify you next week. Thanks for your patience.

RESA Office

As a reminder, SJWC will be temporarily patching our roads as work continues, and will fully repave the roads when all repairs are completed. If you have concerns about the safety of road repair patch conditions, please voice your opinion to SJWC at [email protected]

You may use the following sample message or create your own: I am concerned that the pavement repair patches placed by SJWC after installing water mains are inadequate and pose potentially dangerous driving conditions in my community. Please fully repave the road to restore safety in our neighborhood. Thank you!

RESA’s FireWise Status Reinstated 2023-2024

Dear RESA Community,

After working through a mishap that caused a lapse in our participation, RESA is now a FireWise recognized community in good standing.

Note: the certificate header shows 2023, but the footer on this certificate states that we are, “a participating site in good standing throughout the 2024 calendar year”.

RESA Office

SJWC Water Main Installation – Updates Week of 12/4

Dear RESA Community,

Below is the breakdown for each day’s water main installation activities:

Monday 12/4 – main thoroughfare open

  • One-way traffic flagger near Naomi Court – road passable.
  • Traffic control flaggers spanning Virginia Drive to the Pavilion – road passable.

Tuesday 12/5 – main thoroughfare CLOSED 8am-6pm

  • One-way traffic flagger near Naomi Court – road passable.
  • Road CLOSED from Virginia Drive to Idalyn Drive.
  • Residents who live on Idalyn or below will be able to exit down towards the Pavilion.
  • Residents who life on Virginia Drive and above will be able to exit towards Summit.

Wednesday 12/6 – main thoroughfare CLOSED 8am-6pm

  • Water shutdown at 3 locations:
    • 1st Location: road CLOSED from Virginia Drive to Idalyn Drive (see Tuesday’s instructions for exit routes).
    • 2nd Location: one-way traffic flagger at Mary Alice to Madrone – road is passable.
    • 3rd Location: one-way traffic flagger in front of the Pavilion – road is passable.
  • Water shutdown details
    • Water will be shut down near these 3 locations for residents who live on Mary Alice, Virginia, and the Pavilion from 9am-3pm.
    • Residents affected should have received a door hanger notification of the shutdown on 12/1.

Thursday 12/7 – main thoroughfare open

  • One-way traffic flaggers around work areas and truck traffic throughout the community, but all roads passable.

If there are any updates to the schedule, we will notify you next week. Thanks for your patience.


RESA Office

As a reminder, SJWC will be temporarily patching our roads as work continues, and will fully repave the roads when all repairs are completed. If you have concerns about the safety of road repair patch conditions, please voice your opinion to SJWC at [email protected]

You may use the following sample message or create your own: I am concerned that the pavement repair patches placed by SJWC after installing water mains are inadequate and pose potentially dangerous driving conditions in my community. Please fully repave the road to restore safety in our neighborhood. Thank you!

SJWC Water Main Installation – Update Week of 11/13

Dear RESA Community,

The main thoroughfare from upper to lower Redwood Estates is Monday & Tuesday this week, but with one-way traffic control and detours, listed below.

The main thoroughfare is CLOSED on Wednesday & Thursday. All closures effective 8am-6pm.

Below is the plan for both sections of the project:

Upper Section:

  • Monday (11/13)
    • West Valley Construction Co. (WVCC) will have a small crew working to clean up and prepare for rain.
  • Tuesday (11/14)
    • WVCC will be working at the San Jose Water station. They will be able to flag one way traffic at this location. 
  • Wednesday (11/15)
    • West Valley Construction Co will need to close the road to through traffic from June Court to Naomi Court.
    • There will be a traffic control flagger at each closure helping direct people to the open exit route.
    • Anticipate a small 2-man crew performing saw cutting work at the intersection of La Verne Drive / Judith Court and Locust Drive / Mountain View Court. This will be minimal work that will take place during the morning hours. 
  • Thursday (11/16)
    • Upper Section: CLOSED to through traffic
    • Location 1: the intersection of Mountain View Court/ Locust Drive
    • Location 2: the intersection of Judith Court/La Verne Drive.
    • The road will be closed to thru traffic at June Court and at Judith Court/La Verne Drive.
    • Residents that live down Mountain View Court and La Verne Drive should anticipate work activity. WVCC will do our best to get residents out of these roads if needed. 

Lower Section:

  • Monday (11/13)
    • WVCC will be continuing to install new water main from Mary Alice Way towards Laurel Drive.
    • Madrone Drive will be closed to thru traffic.
    • Residents living on Mary Alice Way will be able to exit up towards the general store.
    • The flagged detour will take you around Laurel Drive, Redwood Drive, and Madrone, emptying out at Nonno’s.
  • Tuesday (11/14)
    • WVCC will be continuing to install new water main towards the Pavilion.
    • Madrone Drive will be closed to thru traffic from Mary Alice Way to the Pavilion entrance.
    • Residents living on Mary Alice Way will be able to exit up towards the general store.
    • The flagged detour will take you around Oak Drive, Laurel Drive, and Madrone, emptying out at Nonno’s.
  • Wednesday (11/15)
    • WVCC will be falling back to install new fire hydrants along Madrone Drive to the RE Store.
    • The road will be closed to thru traffic from Mary Alice Way to the RE Store.
    • Residents living on Mary Alice Way will be able to exit down towards the Pavilion. 
    • The flagged detour will take you around Laurel Drive, Redwood Drive, and Madrone, emptying out at Nonno’s.
  • Thursday (11/16)
    • West Valley Construction Co. will be working on installing a hydrant located just below the RE store in front of address 21400 Madrone Drive.
    • Madrone Drive will be open to through traffic: there will be traffic control flaggers to flag any traffic around the work. No detour will be implemented.

RESA Office

Board of Directors Agenda for Meeting 11/14

Meeting of the Board of Directors
Redwood Estates Services Association
November 14th, 2023 at 7:00 pm

I           7:00     Determination of Quorum

II          7:05     Approval of Agenda

III        7:15     Approval of Minutes

IV        7:25     President’s Report – Jennifer Throssell

V         7:30     Treasurer’s Report – Pete Heller

  • Monthly financial report
  • Delinquency report

VI        7:40     Operations Manager’s Report

VII       7:50     RESA Events Board Committee Updates – Jennifer & Angela

VIII      8:00     Public Comment

IX        8:10     New Business

  • Decide on assessment increase to fund road repairs.

X         8:30     Old Business

XI        8:35     Adjourn

XII       8:30     Executive Session

  • Discussion potential violation of Rules of Conduct
  • Discuss SBA loan contract and requirements to reach closure prior to deadlines
  • Discuss employee performance