RESA BoD Meeting Follow-up – 2023 Halloween Dance Proposal

Dear RESA members,

Many people attended the RESA Board meeting on September 20 to voice their support and desire for a dance after a dispute with the initial organizing group led to a breakdown in whether the event would go forward. 

The RESA Board heard the passion, concern and heart at that meeting and want you to know that we are very supportive of holding the dance and other community events. A prime example is the RESA pool party held last month. 

The full RESA Board has a desire that we all work together to strengthen community spirit. We’ve come up with a way for a 2023 Halloween Dance to happen—as long as we act quickly.

The RESA Events Board Committee proposes to host the 2023 RESA Halloween Dance and is looking for volunteers who are in agreement with the following principles:

  1. The event will be free to attend, but limited to RESA residents. Advanced RSVP will be required to verify eligibility and manage capacity limits.
  2. The event will be BYOB. No alcohol sales or drinks will be supplied.
  3. The volunteers will handle decorations, including setup and takedown.`
  4. Decorations from previous years will be used.
  5. RESA will hire and pay for the band using the budgeted funds for RESA Events.
  6. Attendees will be asked for a suggested donation to RESA to offset the cost of the band. We will accept donations via online payment, or a locked cash box that will be opened and counted by at least 2 RESA directors and/or staff. All donations will be deposited into the RESA bank account. An accounting of the funds collected will be communicated to the community.

If these terms are acceptable to the volunteers, we will proceed with this year’s dance. We’ll need at least 15 volunteers to agree to these terms by Monday, September 25th, in order to move forward. Please reach out to the RESA Events Board Committee members, Angela Hedges or Jennifer Throssell.

Looking forward to a fun dance and community get together!

Jennifer Throssell and Angela Hedges
RESA Events Board Committee
[email protected]
[email protected] 

SJWC Water Main Installation – Updates Week of 9/18

Dear RESA Community,

This next week, there will be TWO areas of road closures – an upper and a lower section. Please see descriptions below. All road closures are effective 8am-6pm.

Upper Section:

  • Monday 9/18 – Thursday 9/21
    • Santa Ana Road will be closed from Bayview Drive/Santa Ana Road to June Court.
    • WVCC will be closing the road at these locations because they are large enough to get vehicles turned around that are trying to get through. The actual work area will be from Naomi Court to Locust Drive (In front of the SJWC station).
    • WVCC will work with getting homeowners in and out of homes within the closed area safely. 

Lower Section:

  • Monday 9/18 – Tuesday 9/19
    • WVCC will be working throughout Broadway at various locations.
    • Because the road is wider up on Broadway, the road will NOT be fully closed, just flaggers flagging one-way traffic at each location. 

RESA Office

Board of Directors Agenda for Meeting 9/20

Meeting of the Board of Directors
Redwood Estates Services Association
September 20th, 2023 at 7:00 pm

I           7:00     Determination of Quorum

II          7:05     Approval of Agenda

III        7:15     Approval of Minutes

IV        7:25     President’s Report – Jennifer Throssell

V         7:30     Treasurer’s Report – Pete Heller

  • Monthly financial report
  • Delinquency report

VI        7:40     Operations Manager’s Report

VII       7:50     Public Comment

VIII      8:00     New Business

  • New Pavilion pricing for non-members [Pete]

IX        8:20     Old Business

  • FireWise status investigation update [Joe]

X         8:25     Adjourn

XX      8:30     Executive Session

  • Road repairs: funding needs & potential assessment increases [Pete]

SJWC Water Main Installation – Updates Week of 9/11

Dear RESA Community,

This next week, there will be TWO areas of road closures – an upper and a lower section. Please see descriptions below. All road closures are effective 8am-6pm.

Upper Section:

  • Monday 9/11
    • Locust Drive closed (same road that has been worked on the last 2-weeks).
  • Tuesday 9/12 – Thursday 9/14
    • Santa Ana Road will be closed from Bayview Drive/Santa Ana Road to June Court.
    • WVCC will be closing the road at these locations because they are large enough to get vehicles turned around that are trying to get through. The actual work area will be from Naomi Court to Locust Drive (In front of the SJWC station).
    • WVCC will work with getting homeowners in and out of homes within the closed area safely. 

Lower Section:

  • Monday 9/11 – Thursday 9/14
    • Broadway/Madrone will be closed from the Pavilion to Nonno’s. The detour will be directed by traffic management and will take you around the construction area, though Redwood Drive.
    • WVCC is aware that the detour route became a bit clustered with vehicles last Thursday 9/7. They will have TMI flagging one way traffic on the detour road to allow vehicles to safely navigate the narrow road.

RESA Office

Board of Directors – Appointment & Update to Board Positions

Dear RESA Community,

There has been a recent change amongst the Board of Directors. With the resignation of Rita Manachi, the Board has appointed Matt Sheikh to fill the remainder of the term. We thank Rita for her hard work and welcome Matt to the team.

A welcome message from Matt:

I am honored to serve on the RESA board alongside our community members. I hope to make a meaningful contribution during my time on the board and apply my skills to serve our community effectively and help address the issues that matter most to our residents. I look forward to meeting more of our neighbors soon.

Below is an update to the positions of the 2023 Board of Directors:

President – Jennifer Throssell
VP & Treasurer – Pete Heller
Secretary – Angela Hedges
Director – Joe Bruna
Assistant Treasurer – Matt Sheikh


RESA Office