Brush Chipping April 17, 2021

This Saturday, April 17, 2021, is the first of RESA’s Community Brush Chipping Program scheduled days. This “drive-up” program will begin at 7:30am and will end at 3:30pm, with a lunch break tentatively scheduled from noon to 12:30pm. Please follow the below guidelines:

  • No poison oak, ivy, blackberry vines, palm fronds, roots, stumps, rocks or mud.
  • No loose leaves, pine needles or yard clippings. Only woody brush/branches.
  • No non-compostable materials (painted or preserved lumber, trash, metal, wire, etc).

Thank you!

Board Meeting Agenda: March 17, 2021

7:30 Determination of Quorum

7:35 Approval of Agenda

7:40  Approval of Minutes – February 17, 2021

7:50 President’s Report – Rick Swayne

8:05 Treasurer’s Report – Todd Lehr

8:15 Firewise Report – Phil Warnecke        

8:30 Operations Manager’s Report – Jeff Bates

  • Office Manager’s Report – Mona Raby 

8:45 New Business/Public Comment         

9:00 Old Business

9:10 Adjourn

9:15 Executive Session

  • Vote in Inspectors of Election

Notice to Members

The RESA Board of Directors has recently decided to make a change to the schedule for nominations to the Board of Directors, the Meet the Candidates meeting, and the Annual Meeting of the Members.

As you were previously informed in a letter sent in November 2020, Board nominations may be submitted until March 3, 2021. We discovered a conflict between this statement, the scheduled date of the annual meeting, and the RESA Bylaws. In addition, at least two members have shown interest in submitting nominations for the Board of Directors, after the nominations were declared to be closed, in accordance with the RESA Bylaws.

To honor the member requests and the information in the November 2020 RESA letter, and to continue to conform to the RESA Bylaws, the RESA Board has decided to continue to allow receipt of Board nominations up to the previously announced date of March 3, 2021.

The Meet the Candidates meeting, which was previously scheduled for March 9, 2021, is now rescheduled for March 16, 2021 at 6:00 pm due to power outage. A link to the Zoom meeting to Meet the Candidates can be obtained from the RESA Staff. 

Ballots for election of three Board members will be distributed by mail to members in good standing approximately two weeks before the annual meeting. Only members/candidates whose names appear on the ballot will be eligible for election to the Board. The cutoff for submitting ballots will be Sunday, April 11, 2021 at 2:00 pm.

The Annual Meeting of the Members has been rescheduled to allow at least 30 days between the closure of the nominations and the election. The Annual Meeting of the Members is scheduled for Sunday, April 11, 2021, at 2:00 pm.

If you are not using either Constant Contact or Nextdoor, you may contact the RESA staff for additional information. RESA and its Board of Directors sincerely apologize to you for any inconvenience caused by these schedule changes.

Rick Swayne
President, RESA Board of Directors

Agenda: February 17, 2021 board meeting

7:30     Determination of Quorum

7:35     Approval of Agenda

7:40     Approval of Minutes – January 20, 2021

7:50     President’s Report – President Rick Swayne

  • Santa Clara County Fire Department Construction and Approval
  • Alice Hoagland Memorial

8:05     Treasurer’s Report – David Hubbard

8:15     Firewise Report – David Hubbard         

8:30     Operations Manager’s Report – Jeff Bates

  • Office Manager’s Report – Mona Raby 

8:45     New Business/Public Comment         

  • Resignation of David Hubbard and appointment of replacement

9:00     Old Business

9:10     Adjourn

9:15     Executive Session

January board meeting rescheduled to Jan. 27


7:30 Determination of quorum

7:35 Approval of agenda

7:40 Approval of minutes of December 16, 2020

7:50    President’s report – President Rick Swayne

  • Santa Clara County Fire Department construction and approval
  • Alice Hoagland Memorial

8:05    Treasurer’s report – David Hubbard

8:15    Firewise report – David Hubbard        

8:30    Operations Manager’s report – Jeff Bates

  • Office Manager’s report – Mona Raby 

8:45    New business/public comment         

9:00    Old business

9:10    Adjourn

9:15    Executive Session

The board meeting originally scheduled for January 20 was canceled due to a power outage and rescheduled for January 27, 2021.