Annual Meeting of the Members 2025 – Election Results

Election Results

Dear RESA Community,

The 2025 Annual Meeting of the Members election results are as follows:

Out of 445 RESA Members (residential and vacant lot owners), only 356 are “members in good standing” and received ballots.

Of the 356 ballots mailed out, 81 member ballots were received (23%) by the March 2nd, 2025 2:00pm cut off time.

Possible votes available are 1332.02, quorum requires 266.4 (20% of available votes).

Total Votes received: 386 (29% of total possible votes)

Out of three Board vacancies and with four candidates running, the elected 2025 Board of Directors are:

Pete Heller
Judy Quigley
Matt Nelson

Thank you to all the candidates that ran for the Redwood Estates Services Association Board of Directors and all of you who voted!

RESA Office

Agenda for Board of Directors Meeting – February 19 @ 7pm

Meeting of the Board of Directors
Redwood Estates Services Association
February 19th, 2025 at 7:00 pm


I           7:00     Determination of Quorum

II         7:05     Approval of Agenda

III        7:15     Approval of Minutes

IV        7:25     President’s Report – Jennifer Throssell

V         7:30     Treasurer’s Report – Pete Heller

  • Monthly financial report
  • Delinquency report

VI        8:00     Operations Manager’s Report

VII      8:15     Public Comment

VIII     8:30     New Business

  • Donation for Lexington HSC
  • Review Pavilion rental contracts
  • Employee duties & responsibilities
  • Ballot tracking reporting and metrics

IX        9:00     Old Business

X         9:05     Adjourn

XI        9:15     Executive Session

  • Vote on new liens
  • Employee reviews
  • Review and sign Resolution of Board of Directors for SBA loan
  • Discuss updates to accident litigation

2025 Election of the Board of Directors – Meet the Candidates

Dear RESA Community,

The 2025 Election for the RESA Board of Directors is upon us! Members who were in good standing as of January 31, 2025 should have received ballots in the mail.

In order to get to know your candidates better, we are hosting a Meet the Candidates via Zoom on:

Tuesday, February 25th @ 7pm
To access the meeting, click HERE.

To read the candidate blurbs ahead of time, click HERE. We hope to see you all there!

RESA Office

Notice of Annual Meeting 2025 – March 2nd @ 2pm

March 2nd, 2025 at 2:00 p.m.

To the Members:

The Annual Meeting of the Members of Redwood Estates Services Association (the “Company”), a California non-profit mutual benefit corporation, will be held on Sunday, March 2nd, 2025, commencing at 2:00 p.m., at the Pavilion. 21450 Madrone Drive, Los Gatos, CA 95033.

In accordance with the Bylaws of the Company, Section 7.4.3, and the membership is hereby informed that only announced agenda items of business may be voted on at this meeting unless there is at least 33-1/3% of the voting power of the corporation present in person. Management has knowledge of the following matters to be discussed at the Meeting:

  1. The election of 3 (three) Directors to serve a two-year term until the year 2027 Annual Meeting of the Members.
  • Such other business as may be properly brought before the meeting.

The following individuals have, as of the date hereof, been nominated for election to the Company’s Board of Directors:

  • Matt Nelson
  • Pete Heller
  • Judy Quigley
  • Joseph Bruna

Only Members of record, in good standing (not more than 31-days delinquent in any fees or assessments due the Company) on the date of this Notice are entitled to vote. As of the date hereof, there are 1330.27 voting memberships. For the members to take action at the 2025 Annual Meeting, 20% of all voting memberships (266.05 votes of members in good standing) must be present in person, by ballot, or by Proxy.

Please refer to the enclosed voting instructions on how to submit your ballot.

By Order of the Board of Directors

By:      Brian Krupp, Secretary

          Redwood Estates, California

Election of the Board of Directors 2025 – Candidate Statements

Judy Quigley

My name is Judy Quigley. As a child, I lived in Redwood Estates before we moved to Aldercroft Heights in 1974. In 1994, my husband and I purchased our home, knowing that this is where our family belonged. I am grateful to this community, the RESA employees, and the past and current RESA Board members who continue to make Redwood Estates wonderful.I taught for 36-years at Mulberry School until June 2023 when the school closed. Currently, I teach one day a week and substitute teach periodically. My two boys are grown and have moved away, leaving me with the time I would like to use to give back to the community by serving on the RESA Board.

Matt Nelson

My name is Matt Nelson. I am a lifelong Redwood Estates resident and I take pride in this community. My goal as a board member will be to make efficient and effective administrative decisions that strengthen the community. Most importantly, I understand that as a board member I will be a representative of you, my neighbors. I look forward to the opportunity to represent the community as the newest RESA board member. 

Joseph Bruna

First, I would like to thank the members for allowing me to serve them on the board for the past two years.  It’s through that experience I’ve gained deeper knowledge of what is involved in managing a thriving and evolving community such as ours. I’ve also gained a deeper understanding of what makes our mountain community so special. 

I would like to continue applying the leadership skills that I’ve developed throughout my career including the U.S. military, non-profit & volunteer organizations to my role as a RESA Board member.

As a third generation Redwood Estates resident, I’ve seen the Redwood Estates community change and grow, including improved roadways and the addition of recreational facilities. As a career firefighter and through my work in emergency services management, safety of people and our community continues to be my highest priority. Disaster recovery & restoration of our roadways, involvement with government agencies & representatives, evaluating the performance of contractors, upholding adequate lifeguard staffing, and reinstating our Firewise-USA fire safety program to a “Good Standing” status have been a focus for me as a RESA Board Member.

With your support, I can continue focusing on fire safety and disaster planning, and the effective use of RESA resources. Please vote in this year’s Board of Directors election.

Thank you – Joseph Bruna

Pete Heller

About Me

I’ve been a Redwood Estates homeowner since 2019. And, as Vice President and Treasurer of RESA for the past two years, have delivered numerous accomplishments (see list below). Living in Redwood Estates continues to thrill me. I have the good fortune to walk our neighborhood twice daily with my hound. The people I meet are generally outgoing, helpful and interesting. You’ll also see me regularly at our fabulous pool. 

With your support I’d like to continue contributing my time and experience. My primary motivations are ensuring our funds are optimally spent and that the community receives the best value from our resources including our roads, Pavilion, pool, and playgrounds. And, since I’m retired, I have the time to devote. I’d also like to organize an occasional dog walk or hound get-together.

My 2023-2024 Contributions to RESA

  • After the 2023 storms it became clear RESA would need financing to pay for road repairs. I led the analysis of RESA’s financial needs. Based on those models I led the process to determine the increase in assessments required. Some would ask why I would include this in my candidates statement! Answer: it was necessary to pay off our SBA loan and maintain our community’s financial health. 
  • Followed through on the prior board’s energies allocated to collecting assessments owed by delinquent members. Doing so reduces the financial burden on the great majority of members (over 92%) who pay as required in RESA’s bylaws. This led to recouping over $73.8K in 2024. Unfortunately, even after all our outreach, some members remained unwilling to pay their fair share. To ensure RESA collects what’s owed, I ensured the process was executed to place liens* on 31 properties in 2024.
  • Spearheaded review and standardization of all RESA’s policies and procedures and instituted document version management to ensure all board members and staff use only the current documentation. Previously there existed many versions of documents which caused unnecessary confusion/wasted time.
  • RESA has faced multiple obstacles to getting our roads repaired. That includes receiving the funds committed by the SBA as well as getting permits issued by the county. I became concerned that insufficient progress was being made on permitting. Hence I made the case for bringing on a road repair consultant to regain control. The board agreed, and I onboarded a consultant (based on a recommendation). The consultant has been on board since December 2024 and is already providing leadership and clarity.
  • Took over responsibility for the Firewise USA Community program. Built out the FireWise renewal application and successfully extended RESA’s participation for 2025. I also created our Area Boundary Map—this is the key to avoiding FAIR plan discount denials. 
  • Employed my marketing experience to review and update the Pavilion’s promotional materials and contracts. This helped RESA to achieve a $10,000 annual increase in bookings (over $24,000 in 2024).
  • When faced with demands from our lessee to reduce the cell tower lease rate I reviewed the contract and determined that RESA is on strong grounds. Determino changes would be made. Furthermore I communicated to the lessee that only an increase would be acceptable when the contract is renewed in 2030.
  • Fun stuff: I instituted the dog costume contest as part of Trunk or Treat.

My primary objectives for 2025-26 (in priority order)

  1. Finally getting our roads repaired. I will continue to be the board’s liaison to the road repair consultant.
  2. Regularly reviewing RESA staff performance, providing them feedback and appropriate incentives, and preparing for the future.
  3. Continuing to maintain pressure on those not paying their assessments. Those of us who pay our dues don’t need to subsidize those that don’t!
  4. Doing more to promote the Pavillion. For example we can simplify Pavilion bookings with an online calendar and increased self service sign up capabilities.
  5. Ensuring RESA continues to provide high quality community events.
  6. Be prepared to take action to safeguard the community from potential litigation resulting from the accident on Santa Ana Road.

I’d appreciate your vote and look forward to continuing to serve our community!

*Liens enable RESA to collect the funds owed when a property ownership transfer occurs.