Board of Director vacancy filled by Joseph Bruna

There has been a recent change within the Director at Large position amongst the Board of Directors. With the resignation of Sandy Birkholz, the Board has appointed Joseph Bruna to fill the remainder of her term.

We thank Sandy for her hard work and welcome Joe to the team.

Here is a welcome message from Joe:

“As a third-generation resident of Redwood Estates, I look forward to serving and supporting the people of this community.  I will apply my decades of experience in disaster response and fire safety from my long career as a firefighter, emergency services manager, and logistics planner to my role on the RESA Board of Directors. It is my hope to improve existing community disaster plans and strengthen our communities’ capability in times of adversity.

My family and I were active in our local 4-H Club for many years and I’ve held multiple leadership positions with other non-profit and volunteer organizations; this has helped form my wide-ranging perspective on working with people. 

My motivation in seeking appointment to the RESA Board of Directors is simple: it is to serve and benefit my neighbors and friends of Redwood Estates and to make this a better place to live.  

I look forward to working with all the people of Redwood Estates.”

Joseph Bruna

December 21, 2022: Proposed RESA Operating Budget

Dear Members of the Redwood Estates Services Association (RESA),

The RESA Board of Directors (BoD) would like to invite all members to attend our monthly BoD meeting on Wednesday, December 21 at 7:00 p.m. at the Pavilion at Redwood Estates. 

The RESA BoD will present the proposed 2023 RESA Operating Budget and discuss a proposed increase in monthly assessments to members. The proposed 2023 Operating Budget plan gives members a clear view on how monthly dues, which keep your community running, are allocated. 

Meeting Agenda

  • 7:00 pm: Review of proposed 2023 Operating Budget and overview of current RESA finances.
  • 8:00 pm: Discuss the proposed monthly assessment increase.
  • 8:30 pm: Discuss more stringent penalties for delinquent payers. 

The 2023 RESA Operating Budget must be finalized by December 31, 2022, so as a member of the RESA community, this is your opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the RESA budgeting process and provide your input. 

 The BoD will open Public Comments for each agenda item following initial topic presentation and discussion. Based on feedback from the recent member survey, we are taking steps to ensure meetings are more productive and end in a timely manner. The BoD may decide, if there is a large turnout and number of comments, to place a 3-minute time limit on speakers. We ask everyone to be respectful of each other. No speaker shall be interrupted; repeated interruptions are grounds for dismissal from the meeting. We hope you join us and share your opinions on this important topic.

Thank you,

Redwood Estates Services Association 

Halloween Dance ticket sales

Join us at the Pavilion on Saturday night, October 29, to dance to the music of the Joint Chiefs. Get your tickets in advance!

Ways to Purchase

  1. Purchase from Nonno’s.
  2. Email [email protected] and we will invoice you.
  3. Scan the QR Code below!

*Please enter in $20 for each ticket desired with the first and last name of each attending individual.

See you there!

September 28: Special Election and board meeting agenda

7:00     Special Election

  • Introductions of Candidates
  • Request for final ballots
  • Inspector of Election to close and tabulate voting
  • Inspector of Election to announce vote count and introduce the newly elected Board Member 

7:30     Determination of Quorum

7:35     Approval of Agenda

7:45     Approval of Minutes

7:50     President’s Report – Chris Goldsbury

7:55     Treasurer’s Report – Chris Goldsbury

7:45     Operations Manager’s Report – Jeff Bates

  • Firewise Report – Jeff Bates 

8:00     New Business/Public Comment         

8:15     Old Business

8:30     Adjourn

8:45     Executive Session