Pool closed Saturday, July 24, 2021

The Redwood Estates Pool will be closed Saturday, July 24, 2021, due to a scheduled PG&E power shutdown to replace the service pole that feeds power to our pool. Santa Clara County Department of Environmental Health mandates that all pools be closed during power outages due to continuous filtration requirements.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Daily pool hours should be back to normal beginning Sunday, July 25.

Please feel free to contact Jeff Bates, Operations Manager, with any questions regarding this issue.

Post-season pool hours

The pool will be open on Labor Day weekend (Saturday, Sunday, and Monday) from noon to 6:00 pm.

Until September 30, 2018, the pool will be open during the following hours:

  • 3–6:00 pm Tuesday and Thursday
  • 12–6:00 pm Saturday and Sunday